Sex Confessions: 13 Ladies Who Want Sex Significantly More Than Their Male Partners Share Their Stories

As opposed to just just what the Wall Street Journal and countless sitcoms appear to think, there are numerous women that want intercourse significantly more than their partners that are male.

A lot of women feel in their sexual relationships — we put out a call for stories from women who had been physically involved with a partner who didn’t share their sex drive to put the only stereotype of the frigid female to rest — and to shed light on the dissatisfaction.

The e-mails poured in. From age 25 to 65, solitary, in relationships and married, ladies published to us exactly how they usually have struggled — or are nevertheless struggling — using the known proven fact that they desire sex significantly more than their partners, frequently much, a lot more. We provide their tales below to not blame men or women for those dilemmas, but to showcase that intimate frequency is a problem for lovers aside from sex, age or marital status.